Waredaca Cross Country Round

I forgot to sign up to get the cross country video at Waredaca, but Video by Patrick video taped me anyways and let me buy it afterwards. Nice guy!

Things I love...
  • I'm really happy with the way Leo is galloping now. He's not dragging me down; his head is up and he is really using his haunches to propel himself forward. Love it! Could it be the bit? 
  • I love this cockscrew bit. Leo responds really well to my half halts. He's jumping great. And best of all, he seems content and isn't locking up in the bridle. 
Things I need to work on....
  • We got an extra side in 3 of the 4 combinations. Leo still seems a little surprised when he gets into a combinations - particularly the turning combinations and I'm not riding in with enough leg to make the distances work properly. I need to start bringing more of my show jumping skills onto the xc course. 
  • After watching it, I can see why I am always getting time faults at 450 mpm+. We go slow! hah! I need to start letting him out a little more; kick on when I land from a jump and watch my turns. That said, this was intended to be a conservative, end-the-season-on-a-positive-note, put-our-problems-behind-us training ride. 
  • Turning in general. Turns really highlight how little of Leo's attention I actually have. Leo's still quite surprised when he comes out of a short turn and sees a jump. 

Update: Sally confirmed I am riding 20-30 mpm too slow. She said as soon as I pick up the pace, I will be able to get the striding I want in the combinations. 


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