Getting Fit and Losing Weight. Finally.
Every year, I say I am going to get in shape, lose weight and increase my fitness so that I can be a better rider. And every year, I fade out on this goal. At 35, I finally realize I can't just eat and drink whatever I want and not gain weight. That may have been possible in my 20s, but this is my 30s.
I've been progressively gaining weight all year....well, really for the past 5 years. Mike and I are both active, but we don't "workout" per say. I ride, Mike plays squash, we run occasionally, snowboard in the winter. The problem is Mike and I are food, wine and beer elitists. This ultimately means we indulge in high-calorie meals regularly. We eat out a lot and when we do cook at home, every meal seems to be followed up with a course of wine and cheese before bed.
I tried to ignore my weight gain and just accept my body for what it was, but this summer I saw one too many pictures of myself which showed a version of myself I was not proud of. Finally 9 weeks ago, I put weight loss and fitness as a priority goal in my life. I started a fitness program called T25.
What is T25??
The Results
I committed to everything - all the workouts (even the double workouts) and the diet plan. The results have been INSANE. In just 9 weeks, I went from 151 lbs to 135 lbs. I dropped from a size 8 to a size 4. (Does this read like an infomercial or what?) Who knew working out + dieting could actually be so effective! I tried workout programs before, I've tried the gym, but I never tried eating less so I never had good results. It's been a great experience - educational and eye-opening! I know so much about getting Leo's body fit, but before T25 I knew so little about how to get my own body fit.
What I've learned
I've been progressively gaining weight all year....well, really for the past 5 years. Mike and I are both active, but we don't "workout" per say. I ride, Mike plays squash, we run occasionally, snowboard in the winter. The problem is Mike and I are food, wine and beer elitists. This ultimately means we indulge in high-calorie meals regularly. We eat out a lot and when we do cook at home, every meal seems to be followed up with a course of wine and cheese before bed.
I tried to ignore my weight gain and just accept my body for what it was, but this summer I saw one too many pictures of myself which showed a version of myself I was not proud of. Finally 9 weeks ago, I put weight loss and fitness as a priority goal in my life. I started a fitness program called T25.
What is T25??
- It's a 10-week workout program consisting of 10 different workouts and a schedule telling you when to do what. It's from the makers of Insanity and follows the same principles: interval training, plyometrics (jump training), intense cardio workouts.
- Unlike Insanity, each workout is just 25 minutes long.
- You work out 25 minutes a day Monday-Thursday and then do 2 workouts on Friday for a total of 50 minutes.
- The first 5 weeks is phase 1: Alpha. These workouts are focused cardio interval training which lead ultimately to weight loss.
- The last 5 weeks is phase 2: Beta. These workouts are focused more on plyometrics and muscle development. It involves a lot of killer ab work and introduces weights.
- T25 also includes a nutrition guide for optimal weight loss. You eat 1200 or 1600 calories a day depending on your weight range. T25 provides you with a recipe book full of single serving recipes at exactly the right calories and portion sizes. (I found this to be a huge factor to my success.)
The Results
I committed to everything - all the workouts (even the double workouts) and the diet plan. The results have been INSANE. In just 9 weeks, I went from 151 lbs to 135 lbs. I dropped from a size 8 to a size 4. (Does this read like an infomercial or what?) Who knew working out + dieting could actually be so effective! I tried workout programs before, I've tried the gym, but I never tried eating less so I never had good results. It's been a great experience - educational and eye-opening! I know so much about getting Leo's body fit, but before T25 I knew so little about how to get my own body fit.
Food Lifestyle Changes
I had to make big changes to how I eat and, happily, Mike was totally on board too.
I had to make big changes to how I eat and, happily, Mike was totally on board too.
- I replace one meal a day with a Shakeology protein shakes/smoothie.
- I only use recipes that are for 1 serving or 2 servings, that way Mike and I don't eat 2 servings each without even thinking about it.
- I aim to consume just 400 calories per meal and supplement with 100 calorie snacks (ex: 1/4 ricotta cheese with blueberries & almonds, or a celery stick with 1 tablespoon of almond butter)
- I only use recipes that include calorie information, or I try calculating it myself.
- I eat fresh - very few frozen dinners. Low calories recipes focus on protein, fresh veggies and very targeted use of grains - I am eating better now that I ever have before
- I track all calories and workouts in a mobile app, My Fitness Pal
- I weigh myself daily and track that in the same mobile app
- I also take body measurements every couple of weeks. If you track your weight daily you'll notice ups and downs and plateaus, but the body measurements indicate weight loss while you build muscle :)
- When Mike and I go out to eat now, we are very conscious of our calorie intake - it's top of mind so we don't go crazy stuffing ourselves.
What I've learned
- I was full of excuses before I committed to this, but 25 minutes is undeniably easy to fit into a busy schedule.
- Nothing feels better than losing weight!
- Even if I workout, if I don't control my calorie intake, I can't lose weight. The only way to loose weight is to control how many calories you eat daily. This is why I never lost weight all those other times I started a fitness program or went to the gym.
- I really can retrain my body to eat less!
- If I ever get off track again, the body I want is just 10 weeks away!
So what's happens at the end of week 10? T25 says to first celebrate, but then you have to go into a maintenance schedule, working out every other day. My ultimate goal is to reach 130 lbs. I'll probably pick up another Beachbody workout program to keep the weight loss going until I reach my goal.
I wouldn't say I am a better rider since I lost the weight; I'm still have the same level of skill but I am fitter and don't easily get winded now. I'm sure this benefits my rides in more ways than I realize.
Go T25!
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