Another New Bit for Leo

My quest to find the right bit for Leo continues. After riding in the Citation bit for a week, Leo is fed up. He's resisting and fighting all the time. At the canter, he tosses his head non-stop and won't take any contact with the bit willingly. So while I have more control, our flatwork is deteriorating. That's not going to work.

I dug around in my supply box at home and pulled out all the bits I have:
  • Happy Mouth Loose Ring Snaffle
  • Happy Mouth Mullen Mouth
  • Nathe
  • Full Cheek Snaffle
  • Loose ring snaffle
  • Rubber D-ring Snaffle
  • Slow Twist D-ring
  • Waterford
  • Copper Center Roller Dee Snaffle Bit
Hmmm... that last bit I got for Leo about a year but never used. I read about it on a forum and then when I ordered didn't realize the joints were hinged. I was so unfamiliar with that type of bit construction I never tried it. The bit has 2 joints - one on either side of the copper roller - but they are hinged and can only move forward and backward. It doesn't have the nutcracker action of a traditional snaffle (as I read on Dover Saddlery). The reviews of the bit are fantastic, so I took it to the barn to give it a try.

It may be that Leo is just incredibly happy not to be in the Citation bit anymore, but we had a FABULOUS ride. I haven't had a ride that good on Leo in months. I had control - I could transition downward without resistance and had my half halt. Leo was a happy camper. He was inattentive at times, but his canter work was 1,000 times better. No resistance in either direction and steady canter departs. I'm hopefully that this may be the right bit finally, but only time will tell.
We're going to a dressage show this weekend to do a couple of training level tests, in the hopes that I can get Leo more comfortable in the dressage arena.
I researched this bit and it is ruled illegal by the USEF. It's described as a double-jointed snaffle with copper roller and hinges. Jane reached out to a TD on my behalf to get an answer on whether its illegal by the USEA too. I'm guessing it probably is. What confuses me is that a "snaffle bit with rotating mouth piece" is legal. What exactly is the difference between a roller and a rotating mouth piece? This I need to go research...
Here is a picture of a legal bit with a rotating mouthpiece. I need to go purchase this one now!
Myler Comfort Dee Ring Snaffle


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